The CTA or Call-To-Action is a critical aspect of lead generation as all digital marketers would agree. While there are many technicalities involved in where it should be placed and how it should look, what matters more is how it should convert a passing by reader to hook and click on the button! The Call to Action is one of the main factors that decide the effectiveness of a landing page, website or form used regularly in digital marketing services and here’s a step by step guide to creating the best call to action that converts.

a-call to action for conversions

Even though there’s no thumb-rule or guidelines for creating 100% fool-proof call-to-action, here are some sure-shot tips you can consider:

The more specific you can be about your action, the better it will fare. For example, if your business wants leads to click on a button or email you the details they want, a boring submit button is a big no! Instead, tell them what they’ll gain by clicking the button or what you want them to do by clicking the button. For example, if your landing page intends to urge people to join your club, it is always better to invite them saying “Join the Club” rather than a generic “Submit”. A competent offshore web development company will always consider this factor while designing and developing a landing page or website.

Those in retail will always know how well spot selling works. That’s one reason why you find candies and other random stuff near the cash counter! We know that the urgency to pay and check out of the queue urges people to make a quick decision which works well for many products. Similarly, creating an urgency online also works well. Offering spot discounts urging the prospects to take a call on it instantly will prompt many to take the bait.

Active vs passive is always a debate whether its language or call-to-action. Active calls such as ‘Yes, I want to join’ definitely makes the user consider actually take that action to go ahead. A passive Call to Action such as ‘Check out’ will fare much lesser score considering an active call and that’s the reason, your website branding services provider insists on a personalized active Call to Action.

Personalization is key to win over customer-attention for longer in the online world. Personal communications such as ‘My Choice’, ‘I’m in’ etc. makes the user feel more connected than generic messages. It also offers their mind a personal urge to check out what’s being offered.

Now that we’ve discussed a few ways in which the Call to Action can be effective in terms of the actual call, here’s another important point to note! The Call to Action should always be above the fold. People are so busy these days, spending a few seconds on a website itself is considered an achievement. It is hence important to have the Call to Action above the fold where the user would typically land his/her eyes first to make it more effective. During professional website development placing the Call to Action strategically makes a big difference in its effectiveness.